#2: How to Smartly Adopt New Technology in Your Business

Published: Monday 13th May 2024, 10:32am

By Scott Ko

In a world where digital tools can make or break a business, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to embrace technology wisely. It’s not just about jumping on the digital bandwagon; it’s about finding smart solutions that truly fit your business needs. This guide will walk you through a thoughtful approach to technology adoption, helping you to enhance efficiency and grow your market reach without getting lost in tech jargon.

Step 1: Understand Exactly What You Need

The first step to successful technology adoption is to pinpoint exactly what’s holding your business back. Is it slow processes, frequent errors, or maybe a struggle to connect with more customers? It’s important to get specific about these issues, measuring them in clear terms, like time, costs, or customer feedback. Define these challenges clearly to set a solid foundation for choosing the right technology.

Action Points:

  • Identify specific problems: Look closely at your daily operations to spot where delays or mistakes are most common. Use simple tracking methods to measure these issues.
  • Set clear, measurable targets: Decide what improvements you want to see. For example, aim to cut task times by 30% or reduce errors by half.
  • Map out your current and desired processes: Sketch out how tasks are currently done and how you’d ideally like them to flow with the help of new technology.
  • Consult your team: Talk to the people who will use the technology every day. Their insights can help refine your approach and ensure the technology meets actual needs.

Step 2: Research Available Solutions

Once you know what you need to fix, the next step is to find the technology solutions that can help. There’s a wide array of tools out there, and the reality is that you’ll likely find many of them tackle the same problem in slightly different ways. Take for example project management tools like Trello, Asana, and Monday.com, which all offer unique features and interfaces but with slightly different customer journey experiences.

Action Points:

  • Explore different technologies: By all means Google or YouTube options, but there are often webinars and technology expos that showcase new technology and you can get hands-on demonstrations. Many platforms have great introductory videos that demonstrate their use case, so it’s worth looking in-depth
  • Talk to peers: One of the best resources is your own network. Speak to other business owners or managers in similar industries. Find out what they use and what they recommend.
  • Keep your objectives in mind: Always refer back to the specific improvements you identified in Step 1 to ensure any technology you consider can address these effectively.

Step 3: Trial and test technology options

It’s tempting to fully commit to a solution that seems perfect, but a trial run is essential. Many technology providers offer free trials or demo versions of their products, which can give you a hands-on opportunity to see if the tool fits your needs without a full commitment.

Action Points:

  • Start small: Choose a pilot project or a part of your business where you can test the technology on a smaller scale. This reduces risk and gives you a clearer picture of its impact.
  • Evaluate the fit: During the trial, assess how well the technology integrates with your existing processes. Does it make things simpler? Faster? Better?
  • Get team feedback: Since your staff will be using the technology, their feedback is invaluable. Find out if they find it helpful, easy to use, and effective in solving the identified problems.

Step 4: Prepare for Implementation

Once you’ve found and tested a technology that meets your needs, preparing your business for full adoption is critical. This step is all about ensuring that the introduction of new technology goes as smoothly as possible and is embraced by all. Importantly, this is also the step where you sometimes need to take the ‘technology’ hat off and put the ‘people’ hat on. A common reason why new technology rollouts don’t succeed is due to cultural resistance or people reverting to old habits. In larger corporates, this preparation is called ‘Change Management’.

Action Points:

  • Plan the rollout: Develop a detailed plan for integrating the technology across your business. Decide on timelines, key milestones, and which departments or teams will transition first.
  • Change management: Address potential resistance by preparing everyone for the change. Communicate the benefits clearly and how the technology will make everyone’s job easier and more efficient.
  • Train your team: Provide comprehensive training to ensure everyone feels confident using the new system. This might involve hands-on sessions, online tutorials, and access to ongoing support.

Step 5: Evaluate the impact and adjust as needed

After the technology is implemented, it’s crucial to measure its impact against the objectives you set in Step 1. This evaluation will help you understand whether the technology is delivering on its promise and what improvements or adjustments may be needed. Or put plainly: Did the new technology address the problems you set out to address?

Action Points:

  • Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish clear metrics to evaluate how the technology impacts efficiency, accuracy, customer satisfaction, or other relevant aspects of your business.
  • Solicit ongoing feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from your team to learn about any challenges they are facing and to gauge their satisfaction with the system.
  • Be ready to iterate: Technology adoption is rarely perfect on the first try. Be prepared to make adjustments based on the feedback and data you collect. This might involve additional training, tweaking the technology settings, or even reassessing the solution if it doesn’t meet your needs.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure: If, after a collective attempt, the technology is not helping your business, don’t let it become a sunk cost! It might feel painful to let go of something you just invested in, but it’s far better to evolve and adapt than to let an ill-fitting piece of technology hold you back.


Adopting new technology in your small business is more than just keeping up with the latest trends; it’s about making real improvements to how you work. Each step, from understanding exactly what your business needs to making sure the new technology works well for everyone involved, is crucial. Think of it as a journey rather than a quick fix. By planning carefully, testing thoroughly, and always being ready to tweak things along the way, you can make sure that the technology you choose really benefits your business.

So, take these steps one at a time, keep everyone in the loop, and use technology to help your business grow smarter and stronger.

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